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1. General information

1.1 Company naming

Welcome to the Hypertension.App! This document describes our General Terms of Use (GTU), which together with our Privacy Policy and all other information they contain, define the terms of use of the products and services offered or operated by Hypertension Care UG. Consequently, these terms and conditions apply to all our customers.


Provider identity:

Hypertension Care UG (haftungsbeschränkt)

Marie-Curie-Straße 6

85055 Ingolstadt

Phone: +49 841 1380 4270

Fax: +49 89 36 10 40 26


For further information please see our imprint.

Hypertension Care UG (short 'Hypertension Care') develops and manages an interactive platform and mobile application (app) for people with high blood pressure.

Hypertension Care is a Digital Health Start-Up and has set itself the goal of offering people with hypertension a digital guide and companion for your blood pressure in everyday life. With our app we provide our users with an optimal solution, which on the one hand simplifies the blood pressure recording in the form of a diary and on the other hand minimizes the hurdles, problems and knowledge deficits regarding the topic of blood pressure. To make the daily life of our customers easier and to inform them by means of the digital guidebook is our top priority.


1.2 Product naming

Hypertension Care provides its customers with a service in the form of the 'Hypertension.App'. The Hypertension.App is a software application (abbreviated as "App"). It is an application software for mobile devices or end devices with mobile operating systems, which includes various functions with regard to blood pressure. Customers can also visit the Hypertension Care website to obtain information about the Hypertension.App and the company.


2. Application area

2.1 Our Hypertension.App

  1. Within the scope of the performance of our Hypertension.App, we provide customers with information and content that has been compiled after careful, precise research and checks of internal and external sources of supply. The optimal generation of results requires your active commitment and participation.                         

  2. We explicitly point out that our services cannot replace the medical consultation or diagnosis of a doctor! The Hypertension.App acts exclusively to appeal to your information and awareness raising. The results which are influenced from your information do not constitute therapy recommendations or medical advice. If you have any questions about your disease or therapy, we always recommend that you contact your doctor or other qualified health care providers. You should not ignore the advice of a physician based on the data generated by the Hypertension.App. This data is solely for your and your physician's guidance/support and is not intended to be a supplement or substitute therapy.                                               

  3. During or in connection with the use of our products we can neither guarantee an improvement of the state of health nor take responsibility for any health problems that may occur. Furthermore, it is recommended that you consult with your physician or a qualified health care provider before using Hypertension.App.


2.2 Scope of the General Terms of Use

  1. The following General Terms of Use govern the contractual relationship between Hypertension Care and persons who (want to) purchase our Hypertension.App. These General Terms of Use are provided in different languages. The version in the language of the country in which the user has his residence or habitual abode is authoritative and decisive (e.g. German version for users in Austria, Germany and Switzerland). If and to the extent that no country-specific language version is available, the English version shall prevail.                                                                                                                                                                   

  2. Our Hypertension.App is offered exclusively on the basis of the current version of these General Terms of Use (GTU) and applies to all customers. Please note that before using the product for the first time, you must agree to these terms and conditions as well as to all the declarations/agreements referred to therein and that you accept them with each subsequent use. Access and use of our products without consent is prohibited.                                                                                                                                                                       

  3. Hypertension Care reserves the right to make future adjustments and factually justified changes to our GTU and Privacy Policy at any time. Adjustments may be made due to legal requirements, technological progress, economic efficiency or to meet customer needs in more detail. Our customers will be informed about changes in a suitable manner before they take effect. If no objection is received within 14 days, the customer automatically agrees to the changes and the further use of our products is subject to the new General Terms and Conditions and data protection guidelines.                                                                                  

  4. The effectiveness of this contract remains unaffected by the invalidity of one or more provisions. In the event of an ineffective provision, the parties shall endeavor to find an effective provision.


2.3 Third party provider

You have the possibility to download our Hypertension.App in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. Please be aware of the applicable terms and conditions of the third party provider (which we neither influence nor consider to be part of our contractual terms and conditions). This also refers to the terms and conditions of your device or mobile phone provider.


3. Privacy policy

We have taken comprehensive technical and organizational measures to safeguard your personal and health-related data. Our Privacy Policy provides detailed information about the security and use of your data in the context of Hypertension.App use and our Hypertension.App website.


4. Conclusion of contract and registration

4.1 Purchase and payment of our Hypertension.App

  1. You can purchase our Hypertension.App over the Internet from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. Please note that a user account with the respective provider is required for the purchase. Billing for the services of the Premium Version is then carried out via the user account of the respective provider with already specified payment options. The respective App Store is either an agent and payment service provider for Hypertension Care or a direct distributor. In all cases you can always contact us at in case of problems with download or payment.                                                            

  2. The respective App Store is responsible for sending a payment receipt or invoice stating the product, price and Hypertension Care as the provider.                                                                                                                      

  3. Usage fees (including statutory VAT) are to be paid - depending on the offer and the selection of the individual service - once or recurring (e.g. invoicing modalities in monthly, quarterly, annual option). The resulting fees can be found in the respective App Store or our Hypertension.App. The first payment is due as soon as a Premium Access has been purchased and, if applicable, the free trial period has expired. For further payments, payment is due on the day the subscription is renewed. In case of culpable, untimely or incomplete payment we have the right to block your access. Your obligation to pay the usage fee remains unaffected.                                                                                                                                                                      

  4. We point out that we expressly reserve the right to restrict, stop or make available free products at any time and at a charge. There is no legal claim to free product use.                                                                                    

  5. Hypertension Care may also offer special or free products, which may be subject to further conditions or restrictions. In this context, we point out any deviations from these GTU, whereby the GTU remain unaffected. Special or free offers are not transferable to other users.


4.2 Registration and activation within the Hypertension.App

  1. A prerequisite for the use of our products (general prerequisite for all account types) is the entry of the required mandatory data (medication, height, gender and pregnancy data). Further information can be added in the health profile.You have the option of using Hypertension.App with or without registration.    You are responsible for all activities that take place in your account. This includes:                                         (1) Responsibility for the accuracy, integrity, legality, quality and reliability of the data you provide,              (2) to maintain the confidentiality of your password (when you register),                                                            (3) to prevent unauthorized access to our services and to notify Hypertension Care immediately in the event of such unauthorized use                                                                                                                                         (4) comply with all applicable local, state and federal laws when using the services.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  1.1 The use of our products in the Freemium version can be made anonymously/under a pseudonym        without entering name or e-mail address. In addition, the user will be given the option to create a voluntary Hypertension.App account using an Apple ID/Google account or e-mail address with password.                                                                                                                                                                                               1.2 The prerequisite for using our products in the Premium Version is your registration in our Hypertension.App. Your personal user account requires registration using an Apple ID/Google account or e-mail address with password.                                                                                                                                     

  2. By registering, the user makes a binding offer to enter into a contract with Hypertension Care and to use our products on the basis of these General Terms and Conditions in the currently valid version, which we expressly approve, but at the latest by activating your account.                                                                             

  3. The activation will be confirmed to you immediately after registration (with e-mail address and password) by a message in Hypertension.App The access enables the customer to save the data in the Freemium version and to view non-public areas of Hypertension.App in the Premium version. It is also possible to log in with a registered user account on several end devices - all data is synchronized across all end devices.                      

  4. We reserve the right to reject individual users or their offer to conclude a contract without giving reasons and thus exclude them from using the App. In such a case, payments already made will be refunded to the respective user and the user's personal data will be deleted immediately.                                                            

  5. By registering, the user confirms that he/she is at least 16 years of age and that he/she is entitled to conclude contracts under applicable law. Minors or persons under 16 years of age are only allowed to do so with the consent of their legal guardians.                                                                                                                  

  6. We reserve the right to contact the user at any time to request and verify the respective registration data and usage information.

5. Use of our Hypertension.App

5.1 Useful life and termination of contract

  1. The contract period begins with the first use of Hypertension.App and lasts until the user:                                                                                                                                                                                                                              1.1 In the case of the Freemium version, "logs off" and no longer uses the services.                                         1.2 In the case of the Premium Version, submits an application for termination and this becomes effective.    

  2. The free services, such as the entry of blood pressure values, are generally available for an unlimited period of time. Exceptions are the other functions, which are limited to a limited number of tests.                               

  3. The chargeable services can be purchased in the form of monthly, quarterly, or yearly subscriptions, depending on the current offer also for a different period of use. The respective subscription period is displayed in our Hypertension.App or in the respective App Store.                                                                       

  4. In the event that the user provides incorrect, false, outdated or incomplete information, or if there are legitimate reasons on our part with regard to false, incorrect, outdated or incomplete user information, Hypertension Care is entitled to block the account in question with immediate effect and without prior notice and to prohibit the user's access to our products. In such a case Hypertension Care is not obliged to reimburse the user for the costs incurred.                                                                                                                  

  5. You may terminate this agreement at any time. The declaration of termination requires (in case of registration) a written notification to the operator. Please notify Hypertension Care of your termination by mail or by sending an e-mail to The termination will take effect with the end of the corresponding subscription (within the Premium Version). If it concerns the use of the Freemium Version, the termination will be effective immediately. After the successful and timely termination, you will no longer have access to our services. Furthermore, all collected data will be completely deleted from your user account.                                                                                                                                                                 

  6. In case of a completed subscription you have the possibility to cancel your subscription by selecting the menu function "cancel subscription" in your user account of the respective App Store. Please note that Hypertension Care will not refund any unused payments made in advance for the part of the remaining term (e.g. subscription fees), as the respective App Store acts as the sole payment and subscription management gateway.                                                                                                                                                 

  7. If the contract is not terminated or not terminated in time, the subscription of the Premium Version shall be automatically extended for another subscription period equal to the previously selected one. The respective standard price at the time of renewal (not the prices of previous special or free offers) will be charged. You can deactivate the automatic renewal in the settings of your user account in the respective App Store as desired.


5.2 Cancellation Policy

You have the right to cancel this contract within 14 days without giving reasons. The revocation period begins on the day on which you yourself or a third party named by you has taken possession of the service or has registered with costs.

In order to apply the right of revocation, a clear declaration (e.g. letter, fax, e-mail) addressed to us by yourself (Hypertension Care UG (haftungsbeschränkt), Marie-Curie-Straße 6, 85055 Ingolstadt, Tel: +49 841 1380 4270, Fax: +49 89 36 10 40 26, E-Mail: is required in order to revoke the contract.


5.3 License, rights and obligations of the user

  1. The customer is entitled to use the services of Hypertension.App and the associated access options that the operator has granted him/her. He is responsible for ensuring that the use takes place in accordance with specified regulations.                                                                                                                                                   

  2. By successfully registering and activating your account, you acquire the non-exclusive, non-transferable, but locally unrestricted right to store and use a copy of Hypertension.App for your own purposes within the scope of these GTU. In the case of our paid products, this license is bound to the concluded contract period.          

  3. You have the right to pass on the data generated in Hypertension.App to your doctor or another healthcare provider selected by you.                                                                                                                                              

  4. Hypertension Care explicitly informs you that the software, code, methods and systems, as well as the entire contents of our products, such as texts, animations and graphics, are protected by both copyright and competition law and may only be used by Hypertension Care. Our products or extracts thereof may not - without our prior written consent - be published, copied, modified, reproduced, shared, transferred, made available to others, sold, offered for sale or resold or used in any other way.                                    Furthermore, the customer's right to use Hypertension Care's trademarks, logos or other intellectual property rights is limited only to the extent described in these GTU. Unless otherwise provided in these GTU, all rights of use and exploitation are the exclusive property of Hypertension Care.                                    

  5. Insofar as this is technically necessary for the provision of our services, each user of Hypertension.App grants Hypertension.App a non-exclusive, revocable, but free of charge, transferable, temporally and locally unlimited right of exploitation and use of the content that he/she generates, transmits, stores and publishes within our services.                                                                                                                                                        

  6. The user is obliged to enter the correct information, to keep his name and password safe during registration, to keep them secret, not to pass them on and, in case of suspicion of abuse, to inform us immediately.


5.4 Rights and obligations of Hypertension Care UG

  1. Hypertension care undertakes to perform the services agreed in the contract and other related services to the best of its ability. In addition, the provider undertakes to check the content for topicality, factual correctness, completeness and security at all times.                                                                                                 

  2. Hypertension Care reserves the right to delete content that is infected by viruses, whose factual correctness is doubtful, that violates legal regulations, the rights of third parties or is immoral, as soon as it becomes aware of this without prior notice. Claims resulting from this cannot be asserted against the provider.             

  3. The operator reserves the right to construct the form, content and technical design of Hypertension.App at his discretion.


5.5 Availability of our products

  1. Hypertension Care provides products according to the existing technical, economic, operational and organizational possibilities. Hypertension Care cannot rule out possible interruptions, malfunctions, delays, deletions, faulty transmissions or memory failures in connection with the use of our products or communication with users. In addition, we offer our products in part with the involvement of third parties and are therefore bound to the technical provision of third-party services. Consequently, Hypertension Care assumes no responsibility, liability, warranty or obligation to keep our products uninterrupted and available online at all times.                                                                                                                                                         

  2. This also applies in the event of restrictions on our products due to force majeure, strikes, lockouts, official orders, technical modifications or maintenance work on Hypertension Care's systems. In the event of malfunctions, please contact us at


6. Warranty, liability and disclaimer

  1. We would like to point out once again that the use of our products does not replace the consultation of a doctor or any other medical advice. The use is exclusively at the user's own risk. This refers in particular to provided user data including measured values, calculations, information and any recommendations for action. We assume no liability for the correctness and completeness of this data.                                               

  2. Unless otherwise provided in these GTU, Hypertension Care is liable and provides a warranty within the framework of the statutory provisions (within two years).                                                                                         

  3. Hypertension care has unlimited liability for intent and gross negligence, with the exception of personal injury. Liability for slightly negligent breaches of duty caused by operators, legal representatives or vicarious agents is excluded, provided that these do not relate to essential contractual obligations, damages resulting from injury to life, body or health, guarantees or claims under the Product Liability Act.                       

  4. For customers who do not belong to the category of consumers or users, liability for mere financial losses, consequential losses, lost profits and losses from third-party claims is excluded. Insofar as our liability is limited or excluded in these GTU, this applies equally to vicarious agents and cooperation partners of Hypertension Care.                                                                                                                                                                      

  5. Hypertension care assumes no liability for third-party content, such as external links, banners or other information and advertising offers from third parties, which are (or may be) placed within the scope of our offered services. Insofar as we provide access to third-party offers by means of notifications or links, Hypertension Care is not responsible for the information contained therein and accepts no liability for any resulting claims for damages. This is exclusively a contractual relationship between the user and the respective third-party provider.                                                                                                                                    

  6. Hypertension care does not guarantee the completeness and unrestricted availability of the services. For further details on this topic, please refer to Section 5.5.                                                                                           

  7. Hypertension Care also accepts no responsibility for downloaded content/materials which the user has obtained as a result of using our products. Only the customer is liable for any resulting damage added to his IT system or terminal equipment or leading to data loss due to the download in connection with our products.                                                                                                                                                                        

  8. If a damage can be traced back to a fault of both the provider and the customer, the customer is subject to the obligation to allow his contributory negligence to be credited.                                                                       

  9. The customer or user shall indemnify Hypertension Care against all claims made against Hypertension Care by third parties on the basis of a culpable violation of their rights by the customer in connection with the use of our products. This does not affect any further claims for damages by Hypertension Care against the user.                                                                                                                                                                                

  10. The customer accepts full liability for any damage and any judicial or extrajudicial disputes which are based on conflicts with other users. Hypertension Care accepts no responsibility for the actions or omissions of other users or for any damages resulting from them.                                                                                               

  11. In the event of a claim against Hypertension Care by third parties, the user is obliged to immediately provide truthfully and completely all information available to him/her that is necessary for the examination, defense and defence of the claims of third parties. The costs of any necessary legal defense by Hypertension Care shall be borne by the user, including all court and attorney's fees at the statutory rate.


7. Final provisions

  1. The law of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply; the place of jurisdiction shall be Ingolstadt (wherever permissible).                                                                                                                                                 

  2. If individual provisions of these General Terms of Use are or become invalid or unenforceable in whole or in part, the validity of the remaining provisions shall remain unaffected.                                                                     

  3. Insofar as notification or written form (including legally significant declarations) is required in these General Terms of Use, it is also sufficient to send an e-mail to the e-mail address provided by the user during registration.                                                                                                                                                                                

  4. Hypertension Care may transfer its rights and obligations under these GTU to other companies or other third parties, provided that this does not have a material effect on the rights of the user under these GTU.     

  5. These GTU shall replace the previous GTU.

Conflicts of Interest – The development of this Hypertension.App is exclusively financed by the private means of the founders. No benefits of a monetary, material or non-material nature from commercial interest groups, e.g. pharmaceutical companies or medical equipment companies, have been accepted. 

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